Baseboards | Base Caps | Casings | Back Bands | Aprons | Sills | Headers | Crowns | Flooring Profiles | Handrails | Beadboards | Chair Rails | Header Crowns | Picture Moldings | Miscellaneous Moldings

Custom hardwood moldings can add substantially to the value and beauty of a home or commercial installation.
- Choose from over 1800 molding knife profiles for your custom trims. Our moldings are custom produced on state of the art equipment using one of our existing knives or have one custom ground to your specs.
- Our library of profiles is made up of Baseboards, Base Caps, Casings, Back Bands, Aprons, Sills, Headers, Crowns, Flooring Profiles, Handrails, Beadboards, Chair Rails, Header Crowns, Picture Moldings, and Miscellaneous Moldings.
- We do not carry stocked moldings, but mill each order to your specs whether it’s for a whole house of trim or only a few lengths. (The option to have your order pre-primed may also be available based on the quantity.)
- Bring in a sample to match with one of our existing knife profiles, or we have the ability to draw and grind a new knife right here on-site to get a perfect match to your profile.
Dictionary of Molding Terms
- Aprons: a molding that goes under a window sill.
- Baseboards: a molding that conceals the joint between an interior wall and the floor.
- Base Caps: a molding that is added to the top of baseboard molding.
- Back Bands: a molding that is used to build-up a window casing to give it a richer heavier look.
- Casings: a molding that encloses the frame around a door or window opening.
- Crowns: a molding that conceals the joint between an interior wall and the ceiling.
- Headers: a molding that goes above a window or a door.
- Sills: a horizontal molding that forms the base of a window.
- Bead board: molded wood strips that attach to a wall.
- Chair Rail: molding that is applied about 36" high and parallel to the floor to prevent the back of a chair hitting the wall.